High School Introduction
Future Learning works with top Irish Secondary Schools all over Ireland to offer year round and term academic placements. We offer both public and private schools with host family options. Future Learning selects only the best schools that aim to strengthen the cultural, creative and intellectual development of each student in every aspect of school life. These schools work alongside us to provide a learning environment in which our students can achieve the standards of excellence appropriate to their potential and ability.
Our High School programme is designed to provide students with a holistic and authentic Irish experience, where they will be fully immersed into Irish life and culture. Students will study in the Irish education system, live with an Irish host family and become part of the local community and the wide Future Learning family.

Years 1 to 3
Course Description
The curriculum introduces the students to languages, including French, Spanish and German; the Sciences, including Physics, Chemistry and Biology; Business Studies, Home Economics, Art, Music, Technology, Woodwork, ICT etc.
- Average age 12 to 15 years.
- Junior Certificate students must study English, Maths, History, together with a European language.

Year 4
Course Description
This year is the most popular for visiting international students. In many Irish schools this is an optional year which the majority of students decide to take. It serves to help students mature and to select subjects carefully and with confidence for the forthcoming Leaving Certificate programme.
- Average age 15 to 16 years.
- Transition Year provides a strong basis for 5th and 6th year study and also allows for the exploration of many other subject areas.
- Students participate in outside projects and cultural experiences.
- Most schools in Ireland allow students to engage in work experience for 1 - 4 weeks during Transition Year.

Year 5 to 6
Course Description
The Senior Cycle is of 2 years duration, with 5th year providing a foundation for 6th year where students take a final examination known as the Leaving Certificate (Ireland’s State examination).
- Average age 16 to 18 years.
- The Leaving Certificate standard is equivalent to the UK A-level examination, the International Baccalaureate or Advanced Placement in the USA.
- It is also widely accepted as an entrance qualification for Universities throughout the European Union and around the world.
- Each Irish Secondary School has a career guidance department assisting students to identify potential course options and career choices.

Advantages of Studying At a High School Abroad
Opportunities to develop language skills.
Strengthen your skills
Strengthen your skills
Strengthen personal organisation and time management skills.
Deepen confidence
Deepen confidence
Deepen confidence building and experience with independent travel.
Build connections
Build connections
Build new, authentic and lasting connections.
Learn and have fun!
Learn and have fun!
Learn about new cultures, cuisine and lifestyles.
High School Locations
We are proud to work with schools all over Ireland with a particular focus on schools based in Dublin, the Midlands, the Midwest and Northwest areas. We know all our school Principals personally and have developed excellent relationships throughout the years of placing international students in their schools.
High School Excursions
FL provides all High School students with one cultural excursion per half year. These excursions generally take place prior to the October and February school mid-term breaks. Students visit some fantastic locations and interact with other FL students while also experiencing original Irish culture. Activities and areas of interest may include:
High School Enrolment Process
Contact us directly through the website or talk to our sales team to make an enquiry. Please include the student's name and age together with school and location preferences.
Future Learning will provide you with school options that best fit your requirements and answer any questions you may have.
When you are happy to proceed with a school we will ask you to complete our High School Enrolment Form. On receipt of all required documentation we can begin the process of enrolling the student with our partner school in Ireland.
When all documentation is received and the deposit is in place we register the student with their new school. We then issue our official High School Acceptance Letter as confirmation that the application has been accepted by the school.
Once a student has been accepted on our High School programme the process of matching them with a suitable host family begins. When this process is complete the parents/agents will receive the host family profile.
Get in Touch
We are an accredited language school offering top quality courses for juniors and adults. Our accreditations show that we are a professional school with an exceptional level of teaching and services.